Today, I'm sitting in the pain of the difficult things of life. One of the most difficult is that of human relationships. So often, I wish they weren’t so hard, and that we would understand fully what it takes to love one another well. But ultimately, the reason relationships turn shity is because we are all about us, ourselves, what we want and don’t get from another person. I am no exception to that selfish attitude. But how can we change? How can we not think of ourselves when it comes to being in a relationship with others? There is this feeling of “I need to protect myself,” or they might hurt me, or “I might not get what I want out of this person I am so intimately connected with.” (“They may not meet my needs”) The truth is, that yes we do need each other, so often I hear people or even pastors say all we need is God, (a lot of worship music says the same thing.) I do not believe that is true. I believe with all my heart, that yes, we need each other. God has created us for ...
I'm learning to paint pictures with words!