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Showing posts from May, 2015


How do we know when someone we are close to is not speaking helpful things into our life, though they may be trying to help they may be instead speaking out of fear. Their words comes out as if words of caution or care, but it instead becomes condemnation to the person it is for.  In that moment do we consider all parts of what is said and pray God will help us to see what is true? The scriptures have spoken clearly today about the condimnation part of what was said. Praise God, but I think it has hurt my heart a bit and I'm feeling more fearful now. I feel like pulling away but, I know that is not what I'm supposed to do. Oh God, I need help to not pull away please, but maybe balance please clearty, yours.

My soggy pillow

What ever keeps me close to you Oh God, put it in my life.  Though it hurts and aches though it wrenches my heart and soul over and over again, yet will I trust you.  At times it pulls me down under the air, I grasp for the pain to stop.  I cry out to you, soon my days and nights are  ceaseless  prayers that bring tears to my eyes for hours until I fall asleep only after I'm weary with struggle. Sometimes I am woken by the struggle once again, I cry out to God, and again I drench my pillow with tears, I finally fall asleep.  I'm crying out to you Oh God over and over. I guess that's good if it means that I walk so close to you, but damn, it really hurts.  Why does it take pain for us to remember to just rest and abide with you, to trust you, to talk to you, to give up the things we struggle with the most.  I'm sure that this post is a broken record, but I'm broken and there is nothing else for me but to be on my face.