Here I am, soon to be thirty one. As I begin this thirty first year, I begin also my first year of under grad. I have some what of an idea of the direction I'm to take, but some how it still is foggy. I still feel as if I'm trying to go down a road that has not come into complete view yet. Here's the thing though, that's ok. It is not necessary to see everything clearly before I begin this journey. I have learned that God, will never leave me or forsake me. "The bible tells me so." Now I have to step out on faith, and hold to his promises and truth. I have to remember too that time and again, he's been faithful, I can trust Him, and I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Oh! Amen!
How had I come to believe, that the deep things of my heart and mind were not important? Who told me they didn’t care about the things I was feeling or thinking about? The truth of the matter was, that no one actually said I don’t care about what you think or feel, they just never bothered to ask. Never being asked is another way to let someone know that they are not valued. In response to some of the most important people in my life not bothering to pursue my young heart and mind, I believed I had nothing to offer or give that would be of any value to anyone else. I believed I was stupid. I heard it over and over in my heart and head with out a second of doubt of its truth. Not until my twenty sixth year did the truth that I believed about myself reveal it’s self as a lie. There were six of us who met each week, five younger women and our leader, a woman the five of us had approached to ask if she would be willing to let us learn from her and be mentored and guided ...