Yesterday, Pastor Dan talked about the life Jesus Christ lived to save ours. Very often we think about and talk about the truth of the death he suffered to redeem us before God. He also lived a sinless life, for our redemption as well. Yes he gave us the ultimate example of how he desires us to live, but the point of his LIFE was Grace! He knew we would not be able to pull it off so He did it for us. All of us have sinned, fallen short of Gods Glory, even in our trying to live a life for God we will still fall short. But if we believe God and what he has done, we have Grace, peace, Joy and the Love of the Father. Even when even now here in this sinful imperfect world we stumble and we certainly will, we can be certain of who’s we are. We can know He did it, Jesus gets all the Glory.
Thank you Father!
Thank you Father!