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The Fire Tower.

I stood there at the foot of the stairs looking straight up. I felt the familiar feeling of vertigo hit. It was a steel gray structure and it loomed up to intimidate me. It was known as the fire tower. My knee twanged in pain just to remind me that climbing a tower of stares was maybe not the greatest of ideas. Stupid knee, I thought to myself, you’re not going to stop me from taking in the tops of those trees and hills. Slowly I began to climb, on the 4th platform of stares the structure seemed to be swaying in the breeze; slow and steady wins the race I reminded the inner dialog of my head. The sun was on its way to the ground where it sets and I stopped a few times to just take in the view around me. The top of the fire tower was red, yellow and littered with people’s messages and initials. I took pictures and stood still. Up there, it was quiet . . . except for the cicadas in the tree tops. The wind blew and tossed my hair from my face. I took in deep breaths. I felt my spirit rest with in me. This place, I thought, is good, but it’s only just a taste of the good things That God has in store for those who trust In Jesus Christ. Aahhh, How good is our God!


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