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If we try and live our lives apart from God our sins will soon over take us. The lie that this world wants to tell us is that we are ok with out God. There are people in this world, who from our perspective are good, and they have all their ducks in a row, they are always nice to everyone, and they have amazing self-confidence and the perfect job. They love their perfect job and that provides them with just the right amount of finical stability. They are fit and they take care of them selves, and the environment. They have a great relationship with their significant other, and with their kids. In our perspective, our sinful view, they have it all, and all with out God. Unfortunately our perspective isn't the one that counts. We cannot see we are blinded by the sin that we are a part of. Our perspective is not the one, which at the end of this life will count for eternity. I guess though that if you don't believe in an eternity, in a life beyond this one then it doesn't matter anyway. I heard some one say once that I could live this life believing there is no God and later I find out I was wrong and the hell of it all is that I have to spend eternity apart from Him. In fact you have no one but yourself to spend eternity with. Dude I hope you like yourself! If there is no God, than you die and that's it. Who cares at that point, your dead. I think, I would rather not live my life here with out God, after all if he is the one who created this world and all that is in it I guess that would mean me, and the only way I can understand who I am better is to not separate myself from the one who created me.


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