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Showing posts from July, 2013

Panicky Branch.

Hebrews 2:14-18 NIV Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death---that is, the devil--- and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham’s descendants. For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. Oh me of little faith, at least that is how I feel when I read scripture that remind me of the great work God has done. The question that comes to mind is how, if I believe that these things are true, should my life look, or how do I live? Things I'm sure of, first that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life, that I ...

Words are Powerful

I have not the ability to speak or write elegently, though I long to share the thoughts in my head. My thoughts sometime come with strong feelings, so most often the safest place for my thoughts to be are in writing, speaking has in it an element of speed, which may cause my thoughts to be spoken with out thought. As I have learned, words spoken in haste and with strong feeling influence may be harmful even distructive. I should be one who speaks truth, but if the truth I speak is surounded by harshness and reaction, if it is not gental and thoughtful, indeed the truth may be spoken, but it may not be heard, or taken to heart. This is why it is said of “the reckless tongue”, “ It pierces like swords” Proverbs 12:18. Should I than be silent? Yes I think I should if I can not be wise in the things I say, if I do not think about what I say before I say it I should be silent. Proverbs 12 Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge,
    but whoever hates correction is stupid.   Go...


A close friend of mine, got married last year, after being single for a while, infact in the world of people who are getting married, they would be considered older. I’m pretty sure she would say that she had a good single life before she chose to get married. We had always talked about how we would not give up the gift of singleness for just any guy. I am happy to say that the guy she married was one of my good friends, and not just any guy. He is an amazing man, gental, kind, patient and he loves God. Together they would say that marrage is not easy, it is something that you chose to do every new day, you chose to be present with your husband or wife, you chose to be patient, kind, gental, unselfish and you chose someone else over yourself everyday. They would say that it takes work. I asked my friend after she was married what some of her miss conseptions about being married were. What she told me was good, but there were two that stuck with me. The first one was that mar...

Necessary, Not Luxury.

My mind, it's full, ever thinking about so many things. Finances, family, friends and job, choices that need to made, bills that need to be paid. The pace of culture pulls me into the current of stress and my breathing grows ever shallower. My muscles tighten and my shoulders find a permeant spot next to my ears. Stress, anxiety it's constant, ever present and decreases oxygen intake, something we need to live healthily. Yesterday I got a massage, note to self, and anyone else interested, after massage it's not so hard to take deep breaths. Therefore, I feel better sleep better, and I have a mind that seems more clear and calm. And this is why my profession (certified licensed massage therapist) is valuable, and in our culture necessary, not luxury.
I'm just one person, and not only that I am a self absorbed Flawed Person, how can this person make a difference in this world of self absorbed flawed people? "It seems a hopeless business. " (Mr. Bennett said that in Jane Austen's pride and prejudice) God has promised that he will never leave us or for sake us,he has said that nothing is able to separate us from his love. I have heard it said of God that he did not show up, or he did show up. But how can that be a true statement if he has said that he would never leave us or forsake us, that his presence is constant? This morning, I sat at the kitchen table, with my journal and the Bible that's on my smart phone, the words of my God, written by the hands of the people he created. Those people who Chose to step away from and choose to step away from his constant presence. I copied by hand the words of Isaiah 40: 22 into my journal so that it would be a bit more impressed upon my heart And mind. Then I stop...